Sunday, January 29, 2012

Full Circle with Healthy Food and French Cooking

I know this is too cheesy for those who used to know me and I don't even pay much attention to these aspect in my life until I got married. Yeah, modern woman like me, faces the stove with the dilemma that plaque the servantless American women way back to the era of  "Little House in the Prairie." I thought I can cook and like all beginnings of naive experiences, I actually thought there won't be a fuzz about "What's for dinner?" question in my future.

Well, I blame nobody and nothing about this. Not even those who used to tease and pressure me to eat a bit more to gain a bit weight. Not even my five-year stint at Healthy Options where I got to learn about foods, supplements wholistic lifestyle. Not even moving here in California nor being married. Not even food network. Not even Julie and Julia. Not even any circumstance that can be link into this issue. I blame it all to time. Like aging it is a forceful influence. That and wanting a slice of a chocolate cake with chocolate almond icing one rainy afternoon in San Francisco and realizing that I have to bake it to have it.

I should have taken a photo of that cake. It would have been fun, since I assumed icing is no sweat. Wrong.
But it was a yummy cake.

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