Sunday, January 29, 2012

Drifting Back

I know I should check in more often...its just that keyboard is not that friendly with my shoulder anymore. Early sign of  rotator cuff injury...infraspinatus & supraspinatus started as tendonitis 5 years ago. Actually went to have PT on my shoulder (was interesting to see the inside of PT practice as the receiving end.)
Then I went to do my usual stuff but always had recurrent shoulder issues, like when I'm not careful with my sun salutation, or when doing original monkey at the cadillac machine, or when stripping/sanding the weather beaten bench under the pine tree. Until one day it hurts to take off my shirt, hurts to blow dry my hair when I remember to.
So after an MRI (no fun for a slightly claustrophobic like me) and two visits to my new orthopedic doctor ( surprised to meet a really fun doctor who have really funny jokes and delivery of diagnosis-prognosis) and a cortisone shot...I'm waiting for better shoulder mobility and less painful arc of motion at my right shoulder while doing some Codman exercises here and there. 
Will see.

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